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Thank you for your generosity in supporting our local response to Covid-19 through the good work of Pelham Cares and The Royal Canadian Legion.


On this page you can provide the details so that we can get your cookbook out to you when we have it printed.


As a reminder, to receive a book, the following minimum donations apply.


Electronic Book - Any donation (you don't need to do anything more.  When available you'll get an eMail that the book is ready for download).


Printed Copy of Recipe Book - $30 (For each book. Hopefully you've included a bit more if we need to mail it outside of Canada but don't worry if you didn't).


Autographed Copy of Recipe Book - $50 (For each book)


Our sponsors are also entitled to a book so please provide your information here so we can get one to you with our thanks.


If you haven't donated yet, and want a book, please click on the "Donate Now" button to go to the GoFundMe page.




If you've made your donation, please fill out the information below so we know how many books to print and where to get it to you.

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